This is my new pet, Sparkles. She is a hamster. We got Sparkles because Cheepy passed away and me and Miles were very sad. We cried an entire day.
Sparkles' teeth never stop growing. She has a chewy stick and a chewy puzzle piece that is made especially for small animals to chew on. She is making a burrow in her wheel that she was supposed to run in.
Sparkles is very furry and soft. Sparkles is supposed to live for 2 years.
Here is some advice if you have a pet hamster:
a. When you first get a hamster, don't handle it too much or else they cannot get used to you and they will be frightened.
b. Make sure its food bowl is at least halfway full all the time.
c. Make sure it has enough water.
d. Once you get to know it, make sure it gets attention every now and then.
e. You should get it a little igloo to hide in.
f. Make sure it is cool in your house on a hot summer day or any other hot days.
g. You should get it some bedding to put on the bottom of its cage.
h. If your hamster's cage does not come with a spinning wheel, make sure to get it one so it can get out all of its energy.
i. You should clean its cage once a week.