Monday, October 21, 2013

The Lily Pond Princess Chapters 5/6

Chapter 5 A Race Around the World

Vynilla went to each town and spread all over the world with her friends. As she went around the world, she began to learn new languages. She learned Spanish, English, Danish, Chinese, and a weird kind of animal language called Rackeena. After a race around the world, a reporter came up to Vynilla and put the whole story about getting rid of pollution on the news. This news was spread all around the world and the animals and the pets were able to return back to their homes. 
And when this news spread around the world it got to Vynilla’s parents. After Vynilla’s parents saw Vynilla on the news, they recognized her and took an airplane to the closest town near Vynilla. Vynilla was at the first town she had been at. As soon as Vynilla’s parents saw Vynilla, they raced over to her. They explained what had happened to them over the past years. And finally Vynilla got her friends to tell her why they thought her parents were horrible. The answer was, when Vynilla was one her parents littered a lot and used their cars too much which caused pollution. Now Vynilla’s parents loved nature and they only used their cars a little bit. And now Vynilla also realized why Owly’s tree was unusual. It had a bunch of butterflies at the top and these butterflies always spelled the word “nature” whenever Vynilla looked over. Now everything was cleared up and Vynilla was happy. Her parents built a log house in the forest so Vynilla could live with her friends. And finally the best part came...

Chapter 6 Another Friend

A few days after all the commotion Vynilla’s mom and dad had a little boy. They named the boy Banana, after Vynilla’s friend the monkey who had helped Vynilla along the way. Banana was a very cute boy and was always playing with Vynilla and her friends. Now everything was clear to Vynilla and she could finally relax with a happy ending. As for the rest of the world, they tried to use less and less pollution. And Vynilla was never worried again.

The End!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Lily Pond Princess Chapter 4

Chapter 4 The Bunny with the Note

When Vynilla awoke it wasn’t morning. It was still night. A bunny was next to her with a note in its paws. The bunny gave Vynilla the note and said that the world of nature depended on her. Then the bunny hopped off into the night. Vynilla looked down at the note but couldn’t read it because it was in human language, not in animal language. It looked like all it said was “baa baa baa baa baa follow the bunny.” But that was not what the note said at all. But Vynilla did what the note told her to do and ran after the bunny. She ran for a long time until she came to the edge of the forest where there were twinkling lights everywhere. Vynilla followed the bunny down a steep hill and into what we would call a city. Vynilla’s friends did not call this place a city. They called it the “danger castle.” 
“Not into the danger castle!” Vynilla whispered to herself. Vynilla followed the bunny though because she did love nature and for all she knew her friends were nature. The bunny hopped into the back yard of a human’s house where it settled down. 
Vynilla looked at the bunny surprised. “Shouldn’t it be in nature like all living animals?” she thought. But that thought was disturbed by an overjoyed human coming out from the door. 
“I’ve done it!” the overjoyed human yelled. “I’ve polluted the whole earth and now I will rule pollution.” As the human spoke, Vynilla thought of many questions but couldn’t ask them. After the human had left and driven off, Vynilla scampered into the backyard where she asked the bunny lots of questions. 
“What are you doing here?” asked the Bunny. “It is too dangerous for a hero like you to be here,” added the bunny. 
“Well the note said to follow you,” Vynilla answered. 
“No it didn’t. This note is in human writing. It tells you what to do.”
“What do I do?” asked Vynilla. 
“I don’t know,” said the Bunny. “I didn’t write this note. I thought you could read human writing because you are a human.” 
“Okay, well we just got to figure this out ourselves,” Vynilla said. “What is pollution?” Vynilla asked hurriedly. 
“It’s when gas and chemicals go into the nature community,” answered the bunny. 
“Not everywhere is polluted. Where my friends live it’s nice and clean.” 
“Well we need to send all the animals to that area. They are dying because of that pollution,” said the bunny. 
So Vynilla and the bunny split up, going to each house that had a pet and telling the animals to get out and go to the lily pond. By morning, Vynilla and the bunny were more tired than a hippopotamus after a long race. But this was no time to rest. Vynilla and the bunny had to organize the animals and save the world. Vynilla collected her best friends and even got to see Owly and the frogs. Vynilla and her best friends raced off towards the city where they would get rid of pollution. 
After a long journey and a long time, Vynilla and her friends had finally reached the third town. They started by getting the pollution out of the streams and ended by getting the pollution out of the air. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Lily Pond Princess Chapter 3

Chapter 3 A Big Scolding

Banana didn’t speak but carefully picked Vynilla up and took her away. The frogs gulped as if they were about to go to the bottom of the sea and never come up. Banana took Vynilla back to the jungle and didn’t speak to Vynilla. The jungle was big but Banana could find his way home. Banana put Vynilla on the magical jungle leaf. The magical jungle leaf is seven feet long. 
Vynilla awoke startled and confused. As she questioned the monkey, she figured out what happened and why Banana was upset. 
“Banana, why did you take me away from Owly and the 6 frogs?” Vynilla shyly asked. 
“They’re useless!” Banana answered. “Besides, they let you almost drown,” Banana added. 
After two hours it was dinnertime. Banana gave Vynilla bananas, pomegranates, and pineapple. Vynilla ate them up quickly and then she laid down on a leaf. She looked up at the sky but the sky didn’t look promising. It looked dark and only a couple of stars were in the sky that night. There was a sliver of a moon but no light coming from it because there was no light in Vynilla. She had a cold heart and was longing to see the rest of her friends. Vynilla dozed off and when she awoke, Banana was gone. Vynilla looked around and saw a lady monkey. After questioning the lady monkey just as she had done to Banana, she figured out that Banana had left to visit her friends and was leaving his sister, Polly, to watch over Vynilla. Vynilla sighed. It just didn’t seem fair. So what if Owly and the frogs made a mistake. Vynilla thought about her life and thought it wouldn’t have been so bad if she had drowned. She might find out what her parents were like and she would never have to wonder anymore.  And she would never have to worry about shelter or about eating. And she would never -
Suddenly Banana appeared and interrupted her thoughts. “Well, I guess Vynilla won’t see her friends again.” This certainly disturbed Vynilla and set off a new bundle of thoughts. As these thoughts flew by, they were interrupted again by Banana saying it was lunchtime. For lunch Vynilla had pomegranates on a mint leaf and after she was finished with the pomegranates she ate the mint leaf. Vynilla’s thoughts went by all day until it was dinner. Then Vynilla didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t eat. She was bored. So all Vynilla did after dinner was sleep. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Lily Pond Princess Chapter 2

Charter 2 An Injury

The frogs jumped out of the pond to give Vynilla more room to swim. The frogs jumped everywhere but were too excited to notice poor Vynilla and her nose going down to the bottom of the pond.  Just then Owly flew down to celebrate too. Owly hated water and so he stayed far away from the pond. At this point bubbles were forming in the water enough for everyone to notice.  
“Oh dear!” cried Owly, warning the frogs. The frogs pushed Owly towards the pond. Owly hesitated for a moment but then realized what would happen if he didn’t go. Owly closed his eyes and slowly let the frogs push him towards the pond. Owly jumped into the pond but didn’t dive. Owly was afraid of going down in that deep water. 
“But what will happen if you don’t?” Owly’s thoughts argued. “Well come on you’re afraid of water Owly." 
“Owly! Vynilla is sinking and she can’t breath.” 
“But you’re afraid and remember this water is so cold.” 
“Owly!” Owly’s thought scolded him. So before the other thought could argue once more, Owly dived down towards the pond and was looking around for Vynilla. The magical frogs came down after Owly with their water vision. Owly’s thoughts didn’t race anymore but his heart was still racing. Soon Owly was blowing bubbles too. Once the frogs had spotted Vynilla, they all splashed around with excitement. Owly and the frogs pushed Vynilla up towards the surface of the water where they all finally caught their breath. All of a sudden Banana came over with an angry look on his face. He never looked angry but today Banana was angry. Banana slowly approached Owly and the 6 frogs and looked at them harshly.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Lily Pond Princess Chapter I

Chapter 1 A Story

Once in Georgia a little girl was born. She was named Vynilla; not vanilla -Vynilla. But that was a long time ago. Now Vynilla was ten. She didn’t live with her parents. Vynilla lived with 6 frogs and an owl in a forest where no humans ever came except for Vynilla. At the very end of the forest there was a lily pond and this lily pond was eight feet deep. But the pond always sparkled at night and next to the lily pond every night slept Vynilla. 
This is a very odd story about Vynilla so listen carefully. When Vynilla was one a monkey took her away from home. Vynilla did not remember anything about her parents so she asked the monkey who was visiting her what her parents were like. “Horrible,” the monkey said. That was the only thing anyone ever said about her parents. So Vynilla went to Owly the owl to ask for a story without the word “horrible” in it. She climbed up the tree with a big “O” on it which stood for Owly. There was lots of bark on the tree but it was still an unusual tree; of course Vynilla didn’t know why she thought it was an unusual tree - it just seemed unusual. 
“Tell me a story about you when you were a kid,” said Vynilla. 
“Ok, well when you were a kid,” Owly joked, “me, Banana” - the name of the monkey - “and the frogs always came and visited you at night and the breeze that the fan made felt so good. And then one night Banana grabbed you and took you with us.” 
“But what about my parents?” asked Vynilla. “Describe them without using the word ‘ho-‘” 
“They were horrible,” interrupted Owly. Vynilla sighed and climbed back down the tree. Vynilla went down to the frogs to ask them for a story - without the word “horrible” in it. 
“Ribbit!” Vynilla croaked to the frogs. Six frogs came out of the water and each  frog jumped on a lily pad. “What can we help you with?” croaked a frog. “Tell me a story,” Vynilla pleaded. “We have no story to tell.” admitted the frogs. “Well then let’s swim in the pond!” cried Vynilla and then before you could say trick-or-treat Vynilla had slipped into the pond and was swimming happily. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I have VERY bad news. My pet died! I cried so much!!!!!!! I miss her. She was a hamster and her name was Sparkles. Here is some advice... if you are looking for a pet that will last a long time DON’T get a hamster. I am too sad to tell you more about it. 

Avalon   :(