Friday, June 28, 2013


This is my new pet, Sparkles. She is a hamster. We got Sparkles because Cheepy passed away and me and Miles were very sad. We cried an entire day. 

Sparkles' teeth never stop growing. She has a chewy stick and a chewy puzzle piece that is made especially for small animals to chew on. She is making a burrow in her wheel that she was supposed to run in. 

Sparkles is very furry and soft. Sparkles is supposed to live for 2 years. 

Here is some advice if you have a pet hamster:

a. When you first get a hamster, don't handle it too much or else they cannot get used to you and they will be frightened.

b. Make sure its food bowl is at least halfway full all the time.

c. Make sure it has enough water.

d. Once you get to know it, make sure it gets attention every now and then.

e. You should get it a little igloo to hide in. 

f. Make sure it is cool in your house on a hot summer day or any other hot days.

g. You should get it some bedding to put on the bottom of its cage.

h. If your hamster's cage does not come with a spinning wheel, make sure to get it one so it can get out all of its energy.

i. You should clean its cage once a week.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pet Cheepy

Me and Cheepy. You can see his food on the right.

This is my new pet Cheepy. Cheepy is a hummingbird. Here is how I got Cheepy: I was watching TV when my mom came rushing in and said, "Pause your show and help Dad move a baby bird!" Me and Miles rushed outside and saw Cheepy. Then I really thought hard; I remembered my art box. I ran inside, dumped all my art supplies out, and brought the box outside. Ever since then I have kept Cheepy in the art box. Cheepy eats banana/water sauce out of a syringe. Today we took Cheepy outside to see if his mom would recognize his cheep. HIS MOTHER RECOGNIZED HIS CHEEP AND CAME DOWN AND FED HIM FOOD!!! The bad thing is Cheepy cannot fly back to his nest so it is up to us to teach Cheepy to fly! Check my blog in the next few days to see a video of Cheepy.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer Art Project

Here is an example of my summer art project.

This is a summer art project I did. You can make something like it during the summer. Here are some things you will need:

1. Acorn tops
2. Leaves
3. 1 big stick (for the trunk)
4. Tiny twigs
5. Different colored markers
6. Tape
7. 1 piece of paper

You do not have to make a tree. You can use other things like flower petals and make a different type of plant. Here are some instructions:

1. Make sure to turn the paper vertically so that you will have room for the tall tree (or other plant).
2. Carefully place the stem or the trunk of the plant onto the paper.
3. Tape the trunk or stem on.
4. Tape branches on (if your plant doesn't have any branches, like a flower, you can just tape the leaves or petals on).
5. Tape little things like acorn tops or leaves onto the branches (this will make the plant more realistic).
6. Then you can draw a picture of yourself watering the plant or doing something to help it (i.e. transplanting it).
7. Make sure to draw a sun (a plant can't grow without light!).
8. You can add little details like thinking bubbles, sentences, words, or talking bubbles.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fairies Continued

Continuing... Fairies also like to take warm baths with dried flower pedals in it. Fairies have sensitive ears, so they can hear humans when they are coming outside (almost always). If you want to see a fairy, you will have to be very quiet when you go outside. Fairies often hide in flowers if they hear a noisy human coming. The letter above is a letter from the fairies. It is about a fairy named Eloise. Eloise lives in Portland. My aunt saw Eloise face to face. She talked to Eloise and then told me all about it. It was very exciting and I wish to see a fairy someday too. I know that if you know a lot about fairies, fairies might be scared to show themselves to you. They are most likely to show themselves to little kids that don't know they are fairies. Lot of fairies are mischievous. Here is some information I found in my Flower Fairy Book:

To be a true friend of the flower fairies you must be kind, loving and helpful
Take care of the animals and plants around you
Have lots of fun and love to laugh
Believe in flower fairies

To find more information about fairies, you can get a book called "The Girls Book of Flower Fairies." It has so much information in it. That's all for now!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fairy House

If you are interested in fairies, then I have some information to share. This is a picture of my fairy house. It has a bed and a table with a cup of flower pedal water. Some flower pedals are edible. Fairies have their own plant that they like to take care of. They like to live in gardens. They also like to live in potted plants. I don't have room for a garden, so I have a lot of potted plants. Fairies like to throw parties and are always polite. Fairies sort of migrate during the summer. Since it is so hot during the summer where I live fairies like to work in shady places. My fairy friends have gone off to the forest this summer. Sometimes fairy friends will stop off at their houses to visit, so be ready when they do! To be continued...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Valentine's Day With Clory

Clory was happy because it was Valentine’s Day. She was going to make fifteen valentines for all her family and friends. Clory wrote one for her mom, her dad, her brother, and her sister. 

Clory gave them all their valentines. Then she skipped off to school. On her way she saw Crany and Marala. She gave Crany and Marala their valentines then ran ahead to give Rozela her valentine. Rozela said thank you and Clory said you're welcome and galloped off to give her valentines away. 

When Clory gave Jason a valentine, Jason’s friends laughed. But when Clory gave the bus driver a valentine, Jason’s friends stopped laughing. When Clory got to school she gave her principle and teacher a valentine.

When it was recess time Clory gave her five best friends their valentines. Clory was so pleased with herself that she had made fifteen valentines and delivered them all. In class the people that did not get to write valentines got chances to while the rest of the class read books. At the end of the day Clory had a big surprise waiting for her.

Since Clory had written and given out fifteen valentines she got fifteen valentines in return.