Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pet Cheepy

Me and Cheepy. You can see his food on the right.

This is my new pet Cheepy. Cheepy is a hummingbird. Here is how I got Cheepy: I was watching TV when my mom came rushing in and said, "Pause your show and help Dad move a baby bird!" Me and Miles rushed outside and saw Cheepy. Then I really thought hard; I remembered my art box. I ran inside, dumped all my art supplies out, and brought the box outside. Ever since then I have kept Cheepy in the art box. Cheepy eats banana/water sauce out of a syringe. Today we took Cheepy outside to see if his mom would recognize his cheep. HIS MOTHER RECOGNIZED HIS CHEEP AND CAME DOWN AND FED HIM FOOD!!! The bad thing is Cheepy cannot fly back to his nest so it is up to us to teach Cheepy to fly! Check my blog in the next few days to see a video of Cheepy.


  1. Whoa! That is SO AMAZING that Cheepy's mother really did recognize his chirps and came down to feed him! I am so sorry to hear that Cheepy passed away but what a lucky little bird he was to have you to care for him. I'm sure he loved you and knew that you took the very best care of him.

  2. It was so amazing! But that is why I got Sparkles; because Cheepy died. Thanks for the comment!
